5 Tips on Efficiently Marketing to College Students

It’s officially autumn and the fall semester is in full swing for co-eds. Biz owners everywhere are trying to desperately grab this market’s fleeting attention. They are part of the coveted 18-to-30 demographic and if you want your products to fly off the shelf, you better by using social media to grab these millennials’ attention.

Marketing to college-age folks poses a specific set of challenges. Here are five tips on how to do it right and make the most out of your marketing campaign to a college crowd.

Follow the Money

High school and college kids have the final word to what’s considered in fashion, but their parents are most likely the ones paying for it. Not only do you have to market to the younger crowd, but you also should be keeping parents in mind during your marketing campaign. Show how awesome your product or service is, but also let them know that it’s well worth the money because it can get the job done.

Mobile Marketing

College kids are constantly on the go and have yet to settle down. Moving from their dorms, to class, to sporting events, to parties, it’s hard to catch them during a still and silent moment. And more than 58 percent of students are commuting, according to the National Retail Federation. This is why it’s important to consider mobile marketing when trying to capture a college student’s attention. You can have your marketing materials sent right to their phone and they can be reached from virtually anywhere.


Image Source: Pixabay

Make It Simple

Your marketing message should be a simple one for college kids. They are so busy with classes, jobs, and a bustling social life that they barely have time to investigate your company. In order to draw them in, your message should get straight to the point, and fast.

Offer Fun Giveaways

There is nothing a college co-ed enjoys more than fun and free stuff. This is why you should develop a fun marketing campaign contest that co-eds can really enjoy. Have them post tweets to Twitter or photos to Instagram using a relevant hashtag. Choose a winner at random and give them a prize that they really will want or need.

Get Them Involved

Get them involved by building a community around your brand. This can include photos of college kids wearing a shirt with your logo, or your goods and services being displayed on a college campus. Keep the conversation going by also including Q&A sessions, polls, quizzes and contests.

College kids can help to make or break your biz. Use these five tips to reach them easily so that they will buy your products.


About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
