Developing Award Winning Mobile Applications Means Investing In The Right Studio

As any savvy business owner knows, carving out a niche for your product or service online is the key to generating revenue in today’s wired and connected world. According to Statista, in 2002 e-commerce sales in the United States were at $72 billion. In 2013, online B2C sales grew to a whopping $322 billion. This steady increase is only expected to continue; in fact, B2C e-commerce is expected to grow to 1.61 percent of global GDP by 2018.

With these kinds of numbers, it’s imperative that you carefully manage, curate, and continue to grow your online presence. And knowing that potential customers are not only engaging with top companies on their desktops and laptops, but also on their smartphones and tablets, means you need to adapt to a rapidly changing landscape; you can’t just have a great website (or store), but you’ve also got to provide dynamic and exciting mobile applications for a very mobile audience.


Image Source: Statista

Choosing the right mobile app development company for your business is one of the most important decisions you can make today. This growing industry means there’s now a surplus of choice when it comes to application developers, but that doesn’t mean the choice is easy. Small studios, free builders, and local start-ups will all claim to have the expertise to build you an amazing app, but you need to be extremely careful with how you invest your money and resources—take your time to find the most professional, most competent, and most lauded development company you possibly can, and you won’t regret the decision.

When choosing a mobile app development company,think of the long-term game.It’s certainly true that you can employdiscount companies, but in the end, this will actually end up costing your business more. Having a great mobile application experience for the customer means a fully integrated organization has weighed the relationship between user interface and user experience; it means having only the most skilled, sought-after experts perfecting the design. It means varying mobile platforms have been carefully considered and that back-end architecture has been established by a group of specialists with a real vision for success. Simply put, it means working with a collective of designers, business analysts, project managers, and the most creative minds in the business.

If you want to impress, capture interest and activity, raise your customer base, and ultimately improve sales growth and net income, you’ve got to invest in quality resources and agile production methods—and that means finding the absolute best app development company you can. Never rush to get your app to users, but trust an esteemed organization that will cater to your needs, deploy changes rapidly, provide essential analytic data on how your customers engage with your product, and help you fine-tune elements once the app has finally been released.

Overall, both B2C and B2B mobile applications are changing the face of business in almost all sectors. To stay competitive and be seen as a leader in your industry, ensure that only the experts handle your mobile application development, build, testing and maintenance.If you are reading this and wondering what a professional, experienced and highly regarded app development company has to offer, you can stop by They recently received the prestigious IVIE AWARD for the development of the Tim Hortons’ TimmyMe mobile wallet app, and you can learn more by reading this article and interview with their CTO, Sanjay Malhotra. Working with a professional company with industry experience will mean attentive customer service, quality assurance, and a final product with a stunning satisfaction rate. This means you’ll continue to be successful as more consumers spend their time—and money—online.

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About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
