How Mobile CMMS Impacts Technicians
Today mobile device has become the most important and essential piece of gadget that an individual engages with, both for his personal and professional needs. Mobile technology has invariably changed the way communication was delivered and received, it has brought people so close, that they can connect with anyone across the world, not just through a voice interaction but over a more personalized face to face communication.
The mobile platform is clearly changing the way businesses handle their maintenance activities.
In a recent survey, it was found that companies that use the mobile CMMS have shown considerable improvement in their processes. Amongst them most of them enjoy using the software on portable devices.
Around 40% of respondents stated that they used the CMMS through their tablet. 35% users accessed through smartphones and the others still use the desktop version. These respondents further highlighted they have found the mobile platform to be more productive and effective.
The CMMS mobile technology can do more in less time, thus creating more value and less wastage for both the top management and the technician team. Off late the CMMS mobile platform has been a life-saver for companies who are facing a huge challenge with asset management.
Image Source: Pixabay
As maintenance work requires dependable and focused technicians who need to be always on their toes, the mobile application comes as a great relief. Let’s understand how a Mobile CMMS can help the technicians.
Access Real-Time Data
When companies operate on a reactive maintenance strategy, then most issues arise out of urgency. In such scenarios the need of the hour is to reach out to the technicians and get the work fixed immediately. In this regard, the mobile application will help the facility managers to communicate the exact problem of the equipment to all the technicians through the mobile app. The technicians can access real-time data and instantly create work orders through the app and respond to the situation without any delay.
Reduces Dependencies
Technicians usually spend a lot of their time on the field and on construction sites, therefore a desktop version is not the best option for them, as they have to come to office after every site visit and enter the details of the visit in the CMMS. But mobile technology has reduced this dependency, technicians can now operate from anywhere and perform their tasks through the CMMS mobile app. Research has proved that mobile CMMS has not only helped the technicians to save time on travelling but has also empowered them to improve the quality of their work.
Your CMMS mobile app comes with a bar code scanner
So if your technicians or managers are still spending a lot of time and money in finding spare parts and assets, then the good news is that the CMMS mobile app can make your life easy. With this feature, technicians can automatically generate bar codes or QR codes of all the machinery and assets in the company. With the help of this feature mobile users can quickly find all information, including the open work orders, maintenance schedule history, pictures, videos and every other document that is important for the company.
Makes communication effective
The core of every business lies in its communication model. Most problems remain unsolved because of gaps in communication. The mobile CMMS is the best communication platform for technicians. Managers can communicate the exact issue and upload pictures or videos of the problem directly from their mobile device to ensure that the technical team is completely aware of what went wrong and what steps to take.
Truly CMMS mobile application is a boon to business. Although the technology is relatively new to the maintenance industry, yet once companies adapt this technology, they can drastically change the face of their asset maintenance management. Preventive Maintenance is the future, it’s time to adapt the new and be in league with your competitors.