Keeping Your Career in IT by Keeping Yourself Up-to-Date

Information Technology is a constantly evolving field. Every year, new and improved hardware and software become available. For those that have chosen the IT career path, you will constantly be educating yourself on these various changes and upgrades. What are some ways that you can keep yourself up-to-date on the latest technology before your employer decides to implement these changes in the workplace?

Online Educational Courses

Although there is nothing wrong with performing various searches in Google in order to learn a new piece of software or hardware, taking online educational courses makes you more valuable as an asset in the corporate world. This can also look good on your resume should you decide to apply at other organizations. Sites such as deliver an extensive list of current and older software providing you with the training you need in order to remain efficient at your post. Whether you need a refresher course in managing Microsoft Server 2003 or you need knowledge of the latest Lync Server developments, these courses can help maximize your experience.

Professional-based Forums

The Internet is full of forums dedicated to helping people discover answers to a plethora of questions. However, finding the right forums could take a bit of digging. By signing up with IT professional forums such as the community offered by, you have access to other IT personnel that may be able to help you in various tasks. According to SpiceWorks, there are over six million professionals within the system helping one another get answers to important and time-sensitive questions.


Image Source: Pixabay

Keep Your Finger on the Pulse

There are several apps available that allow you to pull information directly from tech suppliers and organizations. These RSS readers can provide you with information as it happens directly to your computer system. Applications such as Netvibes allows users to set up customized displays while including specific RSS feeds, website search criteria and even YouTube videos relating to the topic. For instance, you could set these services as your homepage within your browser and be connected with the most current information related to technology.

Real-time Alerts

Using services such as Google Alerts can have information delivered to your email address pertaining to specific search criteria. For example: If you set the alert software to search the Internet for “microsoft server,” you will receive constant updates regarding Microsoft server each time a page or article is created regarding the software. For the most efficient use of alert software, make your search criteria as precise as possible for the information you want to receive. It will reduce the irrelevant pages delivered to your inbox.

You should never assume that you”re done learning as soon as you have the IT diploma in hand. The nature of technology is such that it evolves and changes at a very rapid pace. If you”re not paying attention to those changes, you could find yourself obsolete and lacking pertinent information for continued efficiency. Spend the time to keep yourself “upgraded” as much as possible. Your current and future employers are depending on your abilities.

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About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
