Things that are Essential For Getting Your Big break in any field

Getting a big break in any field is not difficult – as long as you persistently try to chase it. Whether you have quest to become aHollywood star or a writer, you need persistence and the right use of tools

You can do a wide range of things with simple tools that can make your life look easy and flawless. It is important to note that great feats themselves don’t make up for success, it is also important to capture the feats and present them to folks who would love going through them and might give you a big break.

Prepare your story

Be ready to tell your story at any given point in time. You may never know if you’d meet your lucky headhunter while commuting or while socializing. Find out what is special in you. Don’t get bogged down by the people who say that there is a lot of competition and it is difficult to survive. Just remember that we do live our lives even though there are 8 billion others who are competing for the same. A good preparation at this phase will save you from a lot of trouble later on.



So now that you have your story, you would also want to have your perspective headhunter look at your photos and defer whether you are the talent he/she is looking for. It is important to be natural and to have a portfolio of various emotions. There are three choices you have. You can integrate all of these choices too for the right mix.

Image only portfolio

In this, you can put up some nice photos and make an album, it should highlight your personality, work, and emotions. Be sure to get a good photographer to help you build a good image portfolio. The con is that it can get a little expensive, and you might want to resort to something that works and is cost effective.

Video Portfolio

How about you doing the acting or something interesting stuff? Making a collection of that would certainly win your headhunters heart – if it is up to the mark. You may try a wide range of things. Videos are great. However, there is one problem. It is the resources that it consumes. Besides, you might need a professional to handle it. If you try to do it from your smartphone, you have to be very careful and make sure that there is no blurred scene, and if you do a mistake, you might have to shell out a little to pay a video editor.

Speaking Pictures

A third way, which gets best of both sans the drawbacks. It is lightweight and easy to handle. Moreover, you can include a speaking image which would do a comparable emotional connect. It is a great way to strike the chord with the headhunter at the very first time.

In order to use speaking pictures, you can download Voxweb app which is available for free on both android and apple smartphone and get started with your portfolio.


About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
